Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Have a look at our FAQ page.

Do you have a chemical chart for MaxiDry®?

MaxiDry® is designed primarily for oil repellance and not for use where contact with chemicals occurs regularly. For chemical resistance we have created MaxiChem®.

Is MaxiDry® liquidproof?

MaxiDry®'s coating is designed to resist and repell liquids and oils. It is not designed to be chemical resistant; for use with chemicals we recommend MaxiChem®.

Doesn't PU have better grip than MaxiDry®?

Solvent based polyurethane products may possess good grip characteristics due to the solvent however one of these solvents, DMF, is classified as a Substance of Very High Concern under the REACH legislation.

Is MaxiDry® chemical resistant?

MaxiDry® is designed with oil and liquid repellence in mind and is not recommended for use with chemicals, we offer MaxiDry® Plus for low level chemical resistance and MaxiChem® where higher levels of protection are needed.

Have used these awesome MaxiFlex® gloves for the past two years in the commercial electrical trade. Great product!

Adam Oldenettel
Adam Oldenettel

These are the best gloves ever. After 15 years of working with gloves finally someone made them right!

Mark Wohrman
Mark Wohrman